Little Athletics Victoria
Little Athletics is a modified children’s athletics program for 5yo to 17yo athletes. Victorian born and bred, Little Aths started in Geelong over 60 years ago and now boasts 100 Centres all over metropolitan Melbourne and country Victoria, and 100,000 athletes across Australia. Our motto is Family, Fun & Fitness.
Little Athletics in Victoria is administered by Little Athletics Victoria (LAVic) which is affiliated with Australian Little Athletics (ALA).
Currently there are over 100 centres and more than 20,000 little athletes in Victoria.
LAVic is administered by a Board of Management consisting of six elected Directors. There are various Advisory and Standing Committees, who work with, and advise, the Board. The LAVic office employs a small administrative staff under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer.
Unit 2, 95 Salmon Street (Cnr Rocklea Drive)
Port Melbourne Vic 3207
Locked Bag 1011
Port Melbourne Vic 3207
(03) 9676 3600