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Kew Little Athletics Centre has a number of policies designed to protect the integrity of our centre and ensure all families participate with full enjoyment.

Codes of Conduct

Kew Little Athletics has a Code of Conduct for all athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and spectators. This creates a comfortable, safe and inclusive environment to encourage the involvement and participation of all families.

You can view the Kew Little Athletics Codes of Conduct here.

Centre Officiating Booklet

Kew Little Athletics utilises a Centre Officiation Booklet to ensure a consistent experience for coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes. 

You can view the Centre Officiating Booklet here.


Be Sunsmart
KewLAC is a Sun Smart Centre.

We encourage all athletes to wear hats and use sunscreen throughout the season.


We provide additional shade during hot weather, and encourage all athletes to stay hydrated.

First Aid
A first aid room attended by a qualified First Aid Officer is available in the Club House.

Where pain or swelling persists, please see a doctor.

Whilst all athletes and officials are insured under a standard policy held by Australian Little Athletics Incorporated it is recommended families consider and review their health and medical insurance arrangements.

If soft tissue is injured, the R.I.C.E. treatment is recommended:

  • Rest

  • Ice should be put on the injured area for 15-20 minutes and repeated during the day

  • Compression bandages should be used when swelling occurs

  • Elevate injured knees and ankles with a chair or stool

Hot or wet weather
The program may be cancelled at the discretion of the Arena Manager in the event of weather conditions that impact on the health and well-being of all participating athletes and volunteers.

A notice will be posted on the KewLAC social accounts and via the WhatsApp group chat by 7.30am Saturdays if a program is cancelled.

Diversity and Inclusion

Kew Little Athletics Centre takes pride in welcoming all athletes and their families from the local community, with an emphasis on Family, Fun and Fitness. The Centre promotes positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle through the provision of athletics activities for girls and boys age 5-16 years.

The diverse range of abilities, cultural and linguistic backgrounds within the Centre is acknowledged, respected and celebrated. Athletes are encouraged to strive toward improving personal best performances through whilst participating in a range of athletics activities at all levels.

The Kew Little Athletics Centre Committee continues to value feedback and opportunities to discuss how athletes’ unique needs and abilities can best be supported and developed.

Please email if you have any feedback or suggestions on this issue.

Working with Children Check


The Victorian Government through the Department of Justice has introduced the “Working with Children Act 2005,” which has distinct implications on the conduct of Little Athletics.


The WWC Check applies to adults who work with children or are engaged in volunteer roles involving children (under 18 years of age).

​The WWC Check applicable in Victoria is the mandatory minimum standard for a range of child related industries. The WWC Check now covers all areas of administration, officiating, coaching and overnight supervision at camps and clinics.

People working or volunteering in connection with Little Athletics are required to have their WWC Check, if they fall into one of the categories below.

  • Region Executive Committee members

  • Centre Executive Committee members

  • Club Executive Committee members

  • Coaches

  • Officials at State and Region level

  • Team Managers

  • Volunteers without children registered at the Centre Overnight Supervisors at camps/clinics/functions

  • First Aid Personnel

  • Volunteers at Association run activities (not Centre events)

Parents who have a child registered at the Centre where they work or volunteer, are exempt from the WWC Check, unless they fall under one of the categories listed above.


We encourage all parents to obtain WWC Check, it is quick and free of charge as a volunteer, and useful at many organisations.  

You can obtain a Working with Children Check here.

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Kew Little Athletics Club


Stradbroke Park

1369 Burke Road (Corner Harp Road)

Kew East Victoria 3102


Copyright © Kew Little Athletics Centre  |  All rights reserved  |  Design by Studio Kreativa

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