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Kew LAC moved to a new web based results recording system called ‘ResultsHQ’ which allows families online access to their athlete’s weekly results, either on their smartphone or computer. Each week, results will be accessible as soon as they entered into the system.


To gain access to online results, click on the following button or the link (Google chrome is the recommended browser):


The ResultsHQ login screen will be displayed. Enter the email address that you specified when registering your child with Little Athletics and then click on ‘I’ve forgotten my password’ Enter your email address again & click on the submit button. Your password will then be emailed to that email address. Click the back arrow in your browser twice to return to the login screen. Re-enter your email address & the provided password and click on the enter button.

The ResultsHQ home screen lists all registered athletes for the family. Result details can be accessed either by clicking on the athlete’s name –with the hyphen - Eastern 7 next to it (left hand side of screen down below summer meets) or a meet date (right hand side of screen).


If you are missing any results tickets, these can be printed by selecting the athlete on the home screen and then clicking on ‘View all Tickets’ results tickets (on right hand side of screen). They will also be able to see their personal best results and a graph of their performance for the season to date in each event.


If you wish to change your password, select ‘Help’ option from the top right hand corner of the home screen and then click where indicated to initiate a password change.

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Kew Little Athletics Club


Stradbroke Park

1369 Burke Road (Corner Harp Road)

Kew East Victoria 3102


Copyright © Kew Little Athletics Centre  |  All rights reserved  |  Design by Studio Kreativa

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